
Paddle4Play: December 2010

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Turkey Race 2010

As tradition dictates the end of the year means the Christmas Turkey race from templemills to Salmon Leap CC

Me and old man river Sir Bernard Walsheee decided it would be a great idea to do it together in an open canoe (This was decided approx 2am the morning before)


So dressed as santa’s off we went! the competition was hot and we were left mid table in the results,

But we won what mattered the best dressed!!


Go Team Santa-Canoe :-)

Thursday, 2 December 2010

New Job, New Challenge!

Right well December is here and ive got a new job. Probably the only person in Ireland to get a job at the moment so pretty stoked.

Im moving on after nearly 2 years full time in I-Canoe but no fear il still be about (Colm cant get rid of me that easily!)

Ive now taken on a Sport Development / Club Coach Role with Salmon Leap Canoe Club.


“Salmon Leap is the premier canoe racing club in Ireland and caters for those new to the sport all the way up to top international racers.  Most members compete in Marathon and Sprint racing, but many also compete with great success in Slalom and Wild Water Racing.”


This is a really huge challenge for both myself and for the club which will hopefully be a massive success.

At present I have little K1 experience but look forward to the coming year I may even get to compete in one!


With the winter weather upon us heres a few pictures from my first day in the new job Cold but Beautiful!


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DIY Neck Seal Repair The Walshey Way!

One of our regular Liffey Swimmers Mr Bernard Walsh popped into the store to give us an insight into his neck seal repair technique.

Armed with his sons football and a

Kokatat DIY Neck Seal Repair kit Available Here

The video in almost real time shows a neck seal replacement in approx 10 mins!

Thanks Bernard! Repairs ARE quick and easy!